“We’ve worked with a lot of influencers but nothing has come close to as much traction as this!  Have gotten tons of inquiries and it has been exciting!” - The Dolly House Nash

 Howdy partner!

Thanks for being interested in working with Bach Babes, we’re so happy you’re here! From planning itineraries, to decking out the Airbnb, we’re the one-stop-shop for our groups’ party planning needs. You name it, we can do it! The ever growing bachelorette ecosystem is what makes our world go round - and probably yours too! We partner with the best things to do in each city to ensure our groups have an unforgettable weekend and feel like the VIPs they are! With 2,500 bachelorette parties under our belt, our groups know who to come to when it comes to the best recommendations during their bachelorette weekend… and we want you to be a part of it! From social media highlights to blog post about your business, let’s tackle the bachelorette scene together!

What’s included

- Business listing on our Partnership Page.

- Preferential treatment on all social media channels: Instagram (30.7k followers), TikTok (140.2k followers).

- Blog posts highlights.

- Featured in our Welcome Packet sent to all groups.

- Listed on our Best Recommendations 5-Sheeter sent to all groups.

- Best Recs card set out in each Airbnb.

- Listed on Google MyMap profile.

Have we convinced you yet?

Complete the application form below. Please note that our partnership opportunities are limited, and not all brands are selected for our program. After you submit your application, our team will reach out if your application is approved!